Pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Pearl, conservation matboard, adhesives. Hand cut and assembled. Series of nine, different sizes.
On green valleys and grassy patches
With this in mind, «Alcampo» combines pictures taken at the local supermarket with site topographies of real places across the United States. The USGS National Geologic Map Database is one of the most comprehensive resources and inspirational sources for my work. On this occasion, I first searched the database for toponyms bearing a relation to the pictures taken. Far from arbitrarily pairing form and content, I then identified the most suitable from among the given maps to sculpt the photographs’ bodies. Just as the supermarket’s brand name and overall title of my project, each place name or subtitle becomes a slogan to allegedly convey the corresponding landscape’s inherent natural beauty. But instead of aesthetically pleasing landscapes, we gaze at their tragic and perverted parodies that expose the uncomfortable reality of modern food production and consumption.
Modern lifestyle has deprived us of meaningful contact with wildlife and our natural environment. Luckily though, the fresh meat sections of our supermarkets give home to a vast array of amazing creatures and are arguably one of the best places for close-up observation. Since present-day vacuum sealing techniques allow us to keep a safe distance from the animals, they won’t do us any harm.